Bach in the Dark – Solo Cello at the Watchtower

Bach in the Dark - Solo Cello at the Watchtower

Get ready for an amazing evening! For the first time, Bach in the Dark will be in the Macquarie Watchtower on the beautiful La Perouse headland.

Rachel will play a very intimate solo cello concert in this amazing space for 25 listeners each night. The tower is not usually open to the public in the evenings – this is a special night indeed! The program will include Bach’s third suite for solo cello, Martin Wesley-Smith’s hauntingly beautiful ‘Uluru Song’, Julie-O by Mark Summer and M.B. Sibson’s reworking of the Catalan folk song ‘Song of the Birds’.

The Watchtower was the first school at La Perouse, and is made of stone and wood, with no power. There is free parking near the tower, but to get to the venue, you’ll need to walk on uneven ground. Sensible shoes are recommended! There are no toilet facilities near the tower – you’ll need to walk (it’s an easy walk!) to the council offices about two minutes away. There is also no disabled access.

By purchasing this ticket you agree to abide by all instructions given to you by Bach in the Dark helpers or Randwick Council staff.