In praise of teachers….

I work with a lot of teachers. I see all sorts of different personalities in the class room. I see introverts, extroverts, men, women, people who are laid-back, people who are really strict.

Most teachers I see are excellent. All teachers I see are trying their best. They are all sorts of things as they teach – they are a giver of knowledge, they are a referee, they are a diplomat, they are a parent. They deal with the most amazing amount of things during their day. Kids achieving, kids struggling, kids having toileting issues, kids throwing tantrums, kids behaving well and kids behaving badly.

Most teachers I see inspire me. To remember to love the kids I see as I teach them. To be fair. To be loving. To laugh. To take things seriously – but not all the time. And I thank them. I have been reminded of that a number of times this week…

And I want to take this chance to remind you, if you read this, before you criticise you child’s (grandchild’s?) teacher, to remember that dealing with 25 kids (or more) is not the same as dealing with one or two. And your child may be different in the classroom. And that these people are doing an excellent job. They know the seriousness of what they do. They know that they are moulding our future leaders. And they do their absolute best, day after day, despite what happens. Despite the fact they aren’t well-paid. And they are expected to do so much.

Despite Pink Floyd singing about needing no education, we do. And the people I see are doing the most fabulous job. I personally think I could fill our Parliament with much better people who would sort out this country if I could fill it with the teachers I see. Who know how to behave. Who don’t turn up to sittings in ‘costume’, or with lumps of coal. Who don’t have inappropriate sexual encounters when telling everyone else that marriage is only between a man and a woman. Who don’t shout and revert to name-calling.

Teachers, I salute you. You are my friends, and my inspiration.